Sat. Mar 15th, 2025 9:49:00 PM

Thank you for everything you’ve done. You guys are great. We really do appreciate it, all kidding aside.

You really are making a difference.


After accidentally landing his helicopter near one of Occupy Sandy’s main community assistance hubs on Thursday, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg thanked the volunteers for their hard work.

Caught by surprise by members of Occupy Sandy as Bloomberg exited a planned interview, someone caught the following words on video:

 Thank you for everything you’ve done. You guys are great. We really do appreciate it, all kidding aside.

You really are making a difference.


The assembled group was desperate to talk to the mayor about their increasingly dire situation post-Sandy, including no power, heat or hot water and a growing mold problem, more than a month after the storm. Bloomberg simply brushed them off and headed into his waiting SUV, leaving many in the group angry.

Events on Friday made Bloomberg’s praise of the Occupy Sandy ring even hollower. reported yesterday afternoon that the mayor, who tangled with Occupy protestors last year in Zuccotti Park, has ordered Staten Island police to start an eviction action on the Occupy Sandy hub at 489 Midland Avenue, in the heavily hit Midland Beach area.

Further, Occupy Wall Street says that the mayor’s office is “calling upon local police forces to ‘clear all outdoor sites’ effective immediately.” If this is true, it is being completely ignored by the media, with news of a potential Occupy Sandy eviction popping up only on independent liberal blogs and social media sites until now.

Here is Occupy Wall Street’s appeal for help:

We call on the city, service organizations and police to support these crucial hubs by maintain[ing] location and services to community, [through] offering tents, generators, and storage pods for supplies – or finding free, nearby, and feasible medium to long term spaces where hubs can operate.

—Come to 489 Midland Ave Staten Island, NY 10306 to stand in support
—Volunteers requested to help move the hub to 100% private property

—Demand the Mayor’s office end community hub eviction and instead support hubs with space and equipment
—Public Advocate’s office: (212) 669-7250 9am-5pm,

Occupy Sandy is a community-run network of support offering food, supplies, clothing, and human services. Its trademark is helping people the city or federal government has “under-served, neglected, or abandoned.”

Occupy Sandy has raised over $585,000 online, via a WePay account that is fiscally sponsored by the Alliance for Global Justice. You can donate here.

By Ana Grarian

50+ hippy chick from NY - STATE - and yes, I'm sensitive about that.

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Ken Carman
12 years ago

They have effectively silence the movement. Make as much noise as they want the media will yawn. It is left to see if, once again, another movement that was pretty much marginalized by their own inability to attract significant numbers: Teabaggers, will be treated the same way by the corporate MSM.

My guess: not. They will continue to treat them as some huge movement, some irresistible force supported by the majority of Americans.

One must remember this tactic became obvious just before the invasion, the conquest, of Iraq. That was the biggest protest ever. Period. Millions at one time.

The MSM zipped their lips while proceeding to service Teabaggers in the worst of ways a few years later.

We don’t have a mainstream media anymore. We have a corporate owned and controlled propaganda machine worth of Goebbels and Pravda.

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