Written by Rebecca Leber for Think Progress
Most Americans like clean energy. So when conservatives wage campaigns against clean energy initiatives, they have typically resorted to fronting astroturf groups and paying fake protesters to generate noise.
Needing 100 anti-wind protesters by next week and apparently unable to find them, a mysterious firm advertised a “quick and easy $20″ on Craigslist. According to the ad, the only thing the “volunteers” would need to do for their pay is “stand next to or behind the speakers and elected officials/celebrities” at a rally against a wind turbine project in the UK.
View the screenshot (the ad was quickly pulled down after Grist made the catch):

Here’s a better copy…
Cool job posting: Earn $20 pretending to hate wind energy
By Philip Bump at grist.org
Important job opportunity, everyone. From Craigslist:
Our firm needs 100 volunteers to attend and participate in a rally in front of the British Consulate/Embassy in Midtown Manhattan on the East Side on Wednesday, January 30, 2013 at 12 noon. The event is being held in order to protest wind turbines that are being built in Scotland and England. Your participation will be to ONLY stand next to or behind the speakers and elected officials/celebrities that will be speaking at the rally.
“Volunteers” will each get $20. That’s the going rate in New York City for a closely held political principle.