Poor Liddle Idems
The baby cried: translated the cry means, “Wah, I pooped my diaper! It’s Obama’s fault! Clean it up!”
Or, “Wah, I sucked another tit dry, another ‘mommy’ is dead, shriveled up. I want ANOTHER war NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Gay marriage! That’s why I keep puking all over you! Stop it or I’ll puke more! You’re violating MY religious rights by even considering it.
On and on it goes, with “Baby” who is supposedly an adult. And the worst thing to do is to give baby what he wants because it will simply encourage Baby to have more tantrums. Continue to have tantrums.
Courtesy Politicalgates.blogspot.com
Barbie’s Pull String NeoCon Ken: 2014
But Obama did call it “terrorism.”
It’s the IRS’s job to look into claims fpr special no tax status, and they looked into left wing groups too… AND these groups aren’t supposed to be advocacy for one side groups: that’s why they had to investigate.
Bush started it, Obama stopped it.
No matter how many times ya pull the string obviously that damn thing thing is broke. What do you want for a broken down doll with broken down talking points.
That’s why Barbie left him.
Backseat Drivers
Or, if Scribe said it…