Mon. Feb 24th, 2025

by ana grarian

There is a light blanket of snow across the fields and the eaves are dripping as a slight drizzle adds to the general icky-ness of the day. The ducks are puttering around the back yard, wondering why their compatriots don’t join them in the usual tour of the neighborhood. The chickens and Guineas, though happy to be released from the coop are more content to wait under the porch for pleasanter weather. 

I have decided that the idea of dragging lengths of extension out into the woods to fell some trees is probably ill-advised. My son-in-law stacked the back porch to overflowing with firewood, so that task waits for another day. I will have to get my exercise at the grocery store after work, or perhaps split some wood by yard light if it dries up by tonight.

In a little over a month the long nights will begin to ebb, though colder temperatures will settle in for quite a while. This year I am snug and warm in my house thanks to the wood stove. the heat is steady and best of all quiet. My furnace and it’s pipes would wake the dead, and I am happy to have it only for backup if we have to be gone too long.

The cat – though curious to play outside in this white stuff -is very content to lay stretched out near the stove occasionally stretching to turn another side of himself toward the heat. I have to be careful when I tend the stove at 3 am to be sure he doesn’t sneak outside, and thus make me wait up for his return.

Through the window I am watching the squirrels scoot about still looking for treasure beneath the snow. I have restocked my supply of birdseed and have been wistfully looking at unique feeders to brighten the front yard. Perhaps I should finish clearing the garage and get busy at my workbench. Maybe even give St. Nick a little hand.

For right now it’s coffee and the last of a book that needs returning to the library. Then off to work for a few hours. Heigh-Ho, Heigh-Ho!

By AFarmer

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