Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

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Reviewed for PGA by Ken Carman

EONMovieRight from the start, obviously this was a story that needed to be told: the stealing of the plans for the Death Star. The character development is excellent, although some things that need explaining are left unmentioned or barely skimmed over. It is told quite well, otherwise. The Empire’s droid who has been reprogrammed even provides grand comic relief, the blind ninja a Jedi tinge to it all and a Genghis Kahn-like character is somewhat Han Solo-ish. The father and daughter tie the movie is somewhat based on brings her around to being a hero from just being out to save herself,

We went to Regal’s 3D RPX theater. The “RPX” was interesting: bigger screen, more powerful speakers and plenty of them. But 3D? The movie, not for one moment, gave any indication 3D was needed, nor the extra cost for it. What a waste.

Apparently Disney has decide to do side stories every other year, then continue from Episode 7 to 8 the the next in alternate years. Lucas Films wasa wise purchase, for sure.

You do get to care about the characters and the end had a Pompeii feel to it. I won’t spoil it for you by going deeper into that comment, and pretty much anything else might spoil it.

See it on the big screen. Skip the 3D unless it doesn’t cost extra.



Welcome to Our End of the New movie reviews. One poster: don’t bother. Two posters: eh, OK, but a lot of problems here. Three: Good movie, just at least one problem. Four: very good. Five: if you don’t go you’re missing out. Added comments at the end: “you could wait for it to come on TV,” “best seen on the big screen” and “good for all screens,” unless other comments are added, refer mainly to the nature of the movie such as special effects, incredible sound or scenery that might make it best seen in a movie theater depending on your set up at home.


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