Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Reviewed by Ken Carman

EONMovieI have never given a 5 until now, and you would think a repeating day story would negate any possibility of a 5. But the storyline, and the message is that strong.

I know it’s not a new movie, and it’s hard to catch… at least on Direct TV. They play it at odd hours and hardly ever at night, Instead how about admittedly great movies like Independence Day ONE MORE TIIIIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

By the end you know what’s going to happen, but it doesn’t matter. I won’t spoil it for you. The teenage angst in this is superb: they nailed what it’s like. As one character says, and is repeated, it is but a blip in your life. But it’s one hell of a blip when, inside, emotions run raw and we don’t know how to handle ourselves, or others. Not that we ever get it right, we usually just do a lot more wrong in the earlier years.

Sam is a sweet teen who has fallen in with a group of girls run partially by a bully with attitude, but even she has her wonderful moments. At one point Sam tells her she loves he so much because she’s such a good friend she toilet papered a boy’s house for a week because he kept spreading the rumor Sam was a rotten kisser. Then we have the artistic, moody girl who used to be a friend but now Sam and friends torments her. There’s the boy she wants to “become a woman” with, an old, wonderful, childhood friend who really loves her, but has tried not to be pushy, tried to give her space.

You even know from the start she considers this the last day of her life. But what that means, well, we all learn.

It doesn’t need the big screen. The point is the story.

You would think by now the repeating day scenario would be so dried up it would turn to cinders and fly away. Before I Fall proves otherwise.



Welcome to Our End of the New movie reviews. One poster: don’t bother. Two posters: eh, OK, but a lot of problems here. Three: Good movie, just at least one problem. Four: very good. Five: if you don’t go you’re missing out. Added comments at the end: “you could wait for it to come on TV,” “best seen on the big screen” and “good for all screens,” unless other comments are added, refer mainly to the nature of the movie such as special effects, incredible sound or scenery that might make it best seen in a movie theater depending on your set up at home.

By Ken Carman

Retired entertainer, provider of educational services, columnist, homebrewer, collie lover, writer of songs, poetry and prose... humorist, mediocre motorcyclist, very bad carpenter, horrid handyman and quirky eccentric deluxe.

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