Written by Ana Gararian
Isn’t a war
Just the big boys
Fight in the locker room?
What if no one watched,
If the halls stayed empty
And there were no
Cheers or Jeers?
What if the bar patrons simply
Turned their backs
And ordered up another round?
Could the, would the dispute
Be worked out
With some posturing
And a jab or two?
Even in a knockout
Wouldn’t there be less
Damage and folderol?
You say
What about the bullies?
Doesn’t it seem the bullies have
The biggest crowd anyway?
Let them/make them
Work it out on their own
Without witness
Or posse.
Would the bully not fear compromise
As it would not compromise his reputation?
Would the victim find voice
When not having to
Overcome the crowded chaos?
Copyright 2009
Ana Garaian
all rights reserved