Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Milton Friedman once famously said, “There can be no change within a placid lake.” So, who was Milton Friedman?
Milton Friedman’s best-known contributions are in the realm of monetary economics, where he is regarded as the founder of monetarism.
So, what is that?
American economist Milton Friedman developed the doctrine as a theory of business ethics that states that “an entity’s greatest responsibility lies in the satisfaction of the shareholders.” Therefore, the business should always endeavor to maximize its revenues to increase returns for the shareholders.
Milton Friedman’s best-known contributions are in the realm of monetary economics, where he is regarded as the founder of monetarism. Friedman promoted the theory that changes in the money supply affect real economic activity in the short run and the price level in the long run, a theory he stated in his Study in the Quantity of Money (1956).
What does monetarism mean in economics?
Few would deny that it plays a key role in the economy. But one school of economic thought, called monetarism, maintains that the money supply (the total amount of money in an economy) is the chief determinant of current dollar GDP in the short run and the price level over longer periods.
Within these theories, you can see the genesis of the Con’s Ponzi economy, known as the “Shareholder” economy. That the only thing they have to worry about is the shareholders, in this economy. Everyone and everything else, is simply collateral damage. Just look at the policies of the Cons to see this theory in action. But, as we see daily, it simply doesn’t work!
That is the beginning, that is why we are having induced madness, forced upon us. The lies, the conspiracy theories, and the hate. Because, their very foundational principle doesn’t work! Except as a con, a Ponzi scheme, and as a cancer upon America. THAT! Is the missing piece behind it all. If it worked as they told us, we’d all be rich, fat, and happy! But, we are anything but that! Except perhaps fat. That is the real reason for all of it! It was a lie from the beginning, it was always a lie, and unless they can control us, it will soon all fall apart. That is the real reason for the push toward authoritarianism. It is the defense of a lie, that never worked, was always a con, a ploy, and a cancer inflicted upon this nation!

RC Romine

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