Tue. Mar 11th, 2025

Time for a quiz? I thought so. Grab your paper and pencil and no cheating with the Google machine. As you read, you’ll catch on to the theme of this baker’s dozen of questionable quotes:

1. “Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.”

A. Benito Mussolini
B. Adolf Hitler
C. Dick Cheney
D. Barack Obama

2. “Socialism is a fraud, a comedy, a phantom, a blackmail.”

A. Benito Mussolini
B. Adolf Hitler
C. Dick Cheney
D. Barack Obama

3. “War alone brings up to their highest tension all human energies and imposes the stamp of nobility upon the peoples who have the courage to make it.”

A. Benito Mussolini
B. Adolf Hitler
C. Dick Cheney
D. Barack Obama

4. “We must be prepared to face our responsibilities and be willing to use force if necessary.”

A. Benito Mussolini
B. Adolf Hitler
C. Dick Cheney
D. Barack Obama

5. “The fate of nations is intimately bound up with their powers of reproduction.”

A. Benito Mussolini
B. Adolf Hitler
C. Dick Cheney
D. Barack Obama

6. “The victor will never be asked if he told the truth.”

A. Benito Mussolini
B. Adolf Hitler
C. Dick Cheney
D. Barack Obama

7. “The Liberal State is a mask behind which there is no face; it is a scaffolding behind which there is no building.”

A. Benito Mussolini
B. Adolf Hitler
C. Dick Cheney
D. Barack Obama

8. “Obstacles do not exist to be surrendered to, but only to be broken.”

A. Benito Mussolini
B. Adolf Hitler
C. Dick Cheney
D. Barack Obama

9. “Direct threats require decisive action.”

A. Benito Mussolini
B. Adolf Hitler
C. Dick Cheney
D. Barack Obama

10. “I cannot be mistaken what I say and do is historical.”

A. Benito Mussolini
B. Adolf Hitler
C. Dick Cheney
D. Barack Obama

11. “When we have won the war, who will question our methods?”

A. Benito Mussolini
B. Adolf Hitler
C. Ann Coulter
D. Barack Obama

12. “While the form of treachery varies slightly from case to case, liberals always manage to take the position that most undermines [the nation’s] security.”

A. Benito Mussolini
B. Adolf Hitler
C. Ann Coulter
D. Barack Obama

13. “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep repeating it, and eventually they will believe it.”

A. Benito Mussolini
B. Adolf Hitler
C. Ann Coulter
D. Barack Obama

And here are the answers:

1. A. Benito Mussolini

2. A. Benny again!

3. A. Still Il Duce.

4. C. This one’s from Dick.

5. A. Benito is back!

6. B. Der Fuhrer said this.

7. A. Back to Benny.

8. B. Hitler again.

9. C. Dick at his finest.

10. B. That Paperhangin’ SOB said this.

11. B. Hitler again.

12. C. Ann Coultergeist.

13. B. Back to Adolf.

Contact the author at editor@ltsaloon.org

2009 R.S. Janes. LTSaloon.org.


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Eric Elder
15 years ago

Excellent quiz. Do you mind if I post it on Rightardia with credits?

RS Janes
15 years ago

Thanks, Eric. Feel free to post it at Rightardia.

15 years ago

this is sad. we know who the fascists are and didn’t need rs james to point them out. waste of time. next time try subtle.

Eric Elder
15 years ago

I’m not so sure. How often have you heard Republicans called fascists. I don’t think the average American makes the association between corporations and fascism. Isn’t it ironic that Republicans call Dems fascist?

15 years ago

i think peeple reading this sight allready have made up minds about the country. average anericas wont be seen reading this sight. that is ironic to.

Eric Elder
15 years ago

I think you are a Republican or someone who doesn’t understand the US political system very well. All Americans are not fascist. A lot of Democratic blogs use material from this site.

Ye Olde Scribe
15 years ago

E may be right. Most Americans won’t see this site. We have become a everyone with their own media, website, news source, place to ed-je-cate da kids, entertainment society: especially on the Right. Has turned us into talking point drones, Scribe thinks. Or Yoda was that, hmmm?

15 years ago

u are right, scribe. i am not republican, i vote independent and try to see all sides. democrat blogs might use this site but they are talking to other democrats. so what? republicans, indepenedents wont come here exept me. thats what i think.

Eric Elder
15 years ago

Most blogs have a point of view. I’m sure there are some blogs that appeal to independents such as Mediaite.com. but they seem to be the exception rather than the rule.

RS Jaynes produces a lot of art and some articles that I use on Rightardia.blogspot.com. Another Democratic blog, Bartcop.com, uses a lot of Jaynes’ work as well.

BTW there are actually more Democrats than independents because the Democratic party is the party of the big tent. If you know about a blog that appeals to the left, right and the middle, I would like to see it. I suspect that articles would be non-controversial and contain a lot of pabulum.

Of interest, the Huffington Post which is unabashedly progressive is viewed a lot by conservatives. Many liberals follow Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh because they are so controversial and easy to satirise.

The ‘article’ that Esalem seems to object to was a simple quiz based on factual quotes. I didn’t see this quiz as particularly partisan. I ran it on Rightardia.

Ken Carman
15 years ago

I think Scribe was simply saying that “this is the way it is,” not saying the site is too partisan. Seemed to be an overall comment regarding how we approach web sites, news: etc.

Eric Elder
15 years ago

My comments were not really directed to Ye Olde Scribe. A blog is what it is. I don’t think many political blogs are designed to have a broad political appeal. One of the most successful, the Dialy KOS, is clearly on one side of the aisle.

The Rightardia blog is very diverse according to it viewers, but it has a central point of view. Many blogs have a far more narrow focus. LtSaloon covers a lot of ground as well. I doubt if the writers for either blog will lose much sleep if conservative or independents don’t patronise these web sites.

RS Janes
15 years ago

You’re right, Eric. As the song goes, you can’t please everyone, so you might as well please yourself. Esalem seems to have some sort of personal gripe with me, but I can’t imagine why. And, BTW, how many true independents call it the ‘Democrat’ party?

15 years ago

i hope u please yourself james. im not hater of you just critic of your work. i said im an indepednet and i mean that. only voted for republicnas twice.

Eric Elder
15 years ago

Most Democrats occasionally vote for that special Republican. In the last election I voted against a Democrat running for sheriff because I met the person and was not impressed at all.

Many years ago I voted mostly Republican but got disenchanted with the GOP when Richard Nixon was president. Overall, I think at the national and state level Democrats do a better job of governing than Republicans.

Is see little hope for the GOp who appears to been hijacked by the far right represented by Rush Limbaugh and Fox news.

RS Janes
15 years ago

Criticize away, esalem, even if I don’t agree. The concept at this site is to let people express their opinions freely, as long as you don’t babble nonsense, especially in ALL CAPS. My stuff may not be to your taste, but, as I said earlier in this thread, you can’t please everyone. Glad you liked at least one thing I did and the other writers here.

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