Mon. Mar 10th, 2025


by Ana Grarian

NYC has managed to bring a major gas drilling company to its knees. Chesapeake Energy won’t drill for natural gas in the NYC watershed.

In case that has you taking a big breath of relief – hold it a minute. That’s the New York CITY watershed. The rest of us NY bumpkins (who live over and around most of the Marcellus shale), are not so fortunate. But hey – if fracking is dangerous to the NYC watershed – isn’t it dangerous to ours? And doesn’t our water flow out of our region into others? Or am I just showing quaint, country folk lore reasoning here

If I was caught dumping dangerous chemicals like toluene onto my neighbors lawn I’d be put in jail. If I was caught near our town wells I would probably be jailed under Homeland Security provisions. But somehow if a big company wants to pump them for miles UNDER my community, it’s progress?

No way, no how! My little corner of the earth is still for the most part a Garden of Eden and I think we know what part the Gas Drilling Co. representative is playing. Hisssssss!

By AFarmer

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Ken Carman
15 years ago

So you’re saying they’re playing the part of snake in the… gas?

Wonder what plans they may have for the Adirondacks. I would think drilling through mountains made of mostly granite would have less appeal, and less gas. Then you also have Forever Wild which has been a NY State legality since the 1800s.

Either way it stinks. The last column you did had me saying, “What about the water table?” …before you even went there.

15 years ago

The article is ver good. Put down like more – go to my favorites!!!

15 years ago

Thanks for post. Nice to see such good ideas. – go to my favorites!!!

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