Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

Pensacola Area

Historically, the club’s elected officials have served for two years unless there is someone wanting to take office. So unless someone wants one of the offices the current elected officials have agreed to stay on for an additional year. The one exception is Carol Monroe wants to step down after several 2-year stints as Secretary. She has somehow convinced Buddy Mogle to take her job for the remainder of the 2 years that the rest of the elected officials are staying for. Unless anyone has an issue with these initiatives we will skip the elections this year and move on till the end of 2010 with myself as president, Mark Robertson as Vice President, Buddy Mogle as Secretary and Jim Martin as Treasurer. Make sure to thank Carol for all those years of faithful service to the club (and for those wonderful newsletters she sends out).

A change has been put in place for adding new members. As of this month all new members must fill out a written application which has to be approved by the elected officials before being approved. This process was put in place so that we could better control growth of the club by insuring there was an interest in homebrewing by the potential new member before being allowed to join. The written application will be posted on the website in the near future. We’ll discuss this more at the meeting on Sunday.

See you Sunday at the club meeting. Ozone Pizza at 4:oopm. We’ll meet in the new (Larger) room behind the kitchen. Just tell them you’re there for the meeting and they will point you to the new room.

Pat Johnson

There weren’t enough sign-ups for a bus but a few of us diehards are going anyway. The Crescent City Homebrewers are sponsoring their Winterfest dinner and party at the Deutsches Haus on S. Galvez St. near downtown next Saturday at 6 pm.

We have a block of rooms at $85 reserved for us at the Holiday Inn Superdome on Loyola Ave. Call (800) 535-7834 and mention you’re with the Escambia Bay Homebrewers for the discount rate.

Since we gave Emerald Coast Beerfest tickets to homebrew clubs at half price, the New Orleans club will reciprocate. Cost to us is only $10. Call me at 393-0334 or email me, to reserve your tickets or ask questions. If you need a roomate, I’ll coordinate that also.

Let’s party!

Steve Fried

The club meeting is at Ozone Pizza at 4:00pm Sunday the 15th. They have a new “larger” room behind the kitchen. Just ask them where the homebrewers are when you get there. Bring beer!!!

Pat Johnson

One of the club members has a few things to sell and they are at my shop. I listed the items below. The prices are really good so don’t miss out.

3 corny kegs $20 each
1 full 20lb co2 tank with double gauge regulator $90
1 single gauge co2 regulator $30

Pat Johnson

By Professor Good Ales

Mythical poster at The LTS Good for What Ales You Beer Journal. Loves good beer. Hates same old, same old. Muses that Bud and Miller might as well be brewed in urinals. Drinks lagers too, if they are complex and interesting.

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