“Just a little too %$#@! close to the truth to be funny, this time.” Joe's holds hands as he announces Barney as his 2012 running mate for President on the "Independent, but Lick the Right Wing's Jock Strap" ticket. Barney then commits suicide on camera.
(Quotes “somewhat” revised.)
HB's lawyers representing Snagglepuss quote the star as saying, "Heavens to Mergatroid, I wouldn't allow Joe to do my voiceovers. Even pink mountain lions have SOME ethics."
Garden of Eden:
Toonpedia, source for this pic of the star, said Droopy says he wants everyone to stop talking about his last encounter with Joe. "I told him he couldn't do my voice overs because he's TOO depressing. You know what? That makes me mad. So I tossed him over my head a few times."
WWII: when questioned by his fellow Jews why he’s a spokesperson for the Reich when Germany is bombing population centers.”
Lieberman would be the guy helping his new found buddies to select who goes left, who goes right. If he were Gay, he’d be their Roy Cohen, their Jeff Gannon.
Droopy is STILL offended. "He doesn't even deserved a dog house."