Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

    Maybe not without thousands of lawyers fighting THEIR cheating, more than a “little bit of luck” getting non-Cannon lawyers, and maybe some strong backup from police, maybe even the military if it gets violent again. MORE violent?
    They’re not going to stop. That should be obvious; If they lose they will never accept losing no matter how obvious they lost. As Donald said, he will accept the results ONLY IF HE WINS.
    A fact that’s so readily accepted as OK is truly frightening. People who claim to be “patriotic” will NEVER accept not being in power no matter what. As others have stated, “2020 was just a dry run.”
    That’s NOT patriotism, it’s insurrectionism, and being a traitor to the country they claim to love. Traitors who have been hard at work rigging the system while accusing everyone else of rigging it.
    If you get a chance read Ari Berman’s book Minority Rule. I knew how bad it is, has gotten, but not how it was far worse…
    I knew in Georgia and other crucial states legislatures have made it so once they just claim the results may be wrong they can replace electors with their own. You know like Trump tried to do? Ari goes deeper on that topic, and the history: we have been here before. Rachel Maddow in Ultra, Season 2, episode 8, also does an incredible job exposing how these tactics have a history behind them. Like trying to get Joseph McCarthy rammed into the presidency. Yes, THAT McCarthy.
    Is it any surprise the tactics of MAGA and Trump are much like pro-Hitler McCarthy? No, it’s not. (That’s in Rachel’s Ultra, Season 2, Episode 8.)
    Severe gerrymandering has made the ever crucial black vote into closing in on beside the point because it’s not the total vote that matters. It’s the Electoral College which makes rigging the vote state by state so much more crucial to those who rig. How bad it is was on display in 2016:Hillary had almost 3 million more votes. But the College is what matters, and it’s being fixed: neutered. That’s why we come down to just a few states. The rest of us, well, our vote hardly matters in comparison.
    Election deniers have been harassing election workers and all those not committed to them who oversee elections: legally and NOT so legally: death threats, stalking. Not just them, but their spouses, their children. Then once election workers and officials decide they’ve had enough of what is a poor paying job that threatened their families (Yes, they stalk them at home too.) they quit and pro-Trumpers have them replaced with those interested in skewing the vote Trump-ward. MAKING REPLACING ELECTORS LEGAL. All the packed local election board has to do is CLAIM the results are suspicious, which no doubt will be claimed such if their side doesn’t win.
    Not included are tactics like closing down black and college voting precincts to make it harder to vote, sending too few machines and broken machines to those black areas. Those who might repair them sent to other areas where they tend to vote Trump. You know, white? Intimidating, armed watchers sent to challenge those who might not vote Trump…
    Short list.
    This has been going on for a long time.
    I fear we won’t be allowed to win. We could have a blowout close to ala Goldwater vs LBJ and it won’t matter.
    I sure hope Harris, Walz and the Dems have plenty of lawyers and courts that also haven’t been rigged. 2020 was just the start. And beyond 2024, if they don’t win, expect for it to get worse. As I stated…

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    “Inspection” is a column that has been written by Ken Carman for over 50 years. Inspection is dedicated to looking at odd angles, under all the rocks and into the unseen cracks and crevasses that constitute the issues and philosophical constructs of our day: places few think, or even dare, to venture.
©Copyright 2024
Ken Carman and Cartenual Productions.
All Rights Reserved.

By Ken Carman

Retired entertainer, provider of educational services, columnist, homebrewer, collie lover, writer of songs, poetry and prose... humorist, mediocre motorcyclist, very bad carpenter, horrid handyman and quirky eccentric deluxe.

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