Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

    I know I wished for the impossible, so why write about it? Answer: to make a point.
    If Donald Trump REALLY wanted to get rid of some “deep state” then once president he should flip. If not completely at least 1/2 way.
    Let’s start with a definition…

    “Deep State- an alleged secret network of especially nonelected government officials and sometimes private entities (as in the financial services and defense industries) operating extralegally to influence and enact government policy.”

    Seriously, does anyone with a brain accept such an obviously brainless thought that any “deep state” is only on the left? Indeed one can argue Donald Trump, while blathering about the “deep state,” was creating the very definition of a “deep state.” People he wants appointed who will manipulate behind the scenes to obey the president-king without question. Relatives, those who kiss his ass constantly…
    If Donald truly wants to break up the deep state, well, here was my impossible New Year’s wish… written as if it’s a letter to the Ground Hog Day-bound soon to be be president again…

Donald Trump,
    Many of us look at your return like Bill Murray would the worst decisions his character made in the movie Groundhog’s Day. When it comes to the good of the nation and the oath you will take again many of us look to your return with dread. We know what you mean by “deep state.” You would like to get rid of, throw in prison, even execute, anyone with an independent mind from your former VP to Liz to Pelosi. That’s why you and many of your followers get so much joy in mocking the hammer to the head of her husband. Why you went from kind of, sort of, condemning the violence on 1/6/21 to celebrating it, calling them heroes, victims, patriots… blah, bah, blah.
    But you know I always operate on the principle that no matter how firm my beliefs I could always be wrong. So let’s take at face value your desire to get rid of the deep state. Of course only fanatics and liars claim that’s only a problem on the right. And from what I’ve seen so far your rule as president has NOTHING to do with any “deep state.” Everything to do with CREATING a deep state of right wing fanatic, cultish, Donald sycophants. So here’s my impossible wish. Please prove me wrong. How?
    Once in office you repeat your break the deep state schtick only this time more focused on the rightward side to the deep state. Go after those who even suggest separating children from parents and didn’t keep track of them. Be more open to immigrants entering who really do want to contribute. Send back those it would be best to send back. Raise taxes on the rich. Lower taxes on the poor. Go up against bought and paid for pols, including Musk.
    Support vaccines, you know like you used to until you flipped out of political convenience?
    Basically make as much of a left hand turn as possible then delight in, “YOU’RE FIRED!!!” …again, and again, again and…
    Make each firing as humiliating as possible.
    Only you can do this. Left and right, it would break the part of the system that rewards kissing ass for political gain, taking a position only for political and financial gain, massaging weak egos no matter how bad, how unconstitutional the demand is, to gain favor. (Hey I know this is your personal jam and how much you love yourself beyond all other humans, but now would be the time to prove us all wrong: especially me)
    Do I expect there’s a chance in Hell you’ll do this: HELL NO. But figured to make a point it was worth a shot.

Ken Carman

    Imagine, if this was possible, maybe it would end the tendency to worship “my party always right, never worng”-ism. Make lies to stay in power LESS useful. We need to burn out ALL who do this politically correct crap.
    Will it happen?
    HELL NO!
    And I expect an even deeper dive down the fascistic, oligarchical, rabbit hole.
    Trump will have proved exactly who he is: a Putin puppet fascist wannabe willing to use government to not only enrich himself, but remake a failure of a business conman into the head oligarch. Able to decide who can run against him, what parties are acceptable and, if you displease him your riches are gone, property gone, and you end up like Navalny.

            Putin drives car, Murray plays role of Trump.

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    “Inspection” is a column that has been written by Ken Carman for over 50 years. Inspection is dedicated to looking at odd angles, under all the rocks and into the unseen cracks and crevasses that constitute the issues and philosophical constructs of our day: places few think, or even dare, to venture.
©Copyright 2024
Ken Carman and Cartenual Productions.
All Rights Reserved.

By Ken Carman

Retired entertainer, provider of educational services, columnist, homebrewer, collie lover, writer of songs, poetry and prose... humorist, mediocre motorcyclist, very bad carpenter, horrid handyman and quirky eccentric deluxe.

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