Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

Missing Elf: brewed by Rinkuskiai, Lithuania

Written by Ye Olde Scribe

This Elf is REALLY missing. Missing the style. Missing taste, except alcohol that clings to the roof of the mouth like some half dead, elf-like bat. That’s why this Elf goes on Scribe’s naughty shelf.

Did anyone ever say Lithuanians made great beer?

Says, “Double Bock.”

More like a Bock someone tried to make it into a Tripel with all the higher alcohols that white Belgian sugar encourages, but not the better higher alcohols. These kind of higher alcs can be a wee bit NASTY.


Tastes like more.

Did anyone ever say Lithuanians made great beer?

The smell has the complex malt sense, but the taste? No way. Clear and darkish yellow/copper. A “Double Bock?” Oh, Hell-is, oh, Mai, you’d think da bloody brewer would at least TRY to be on style.

Did anyone ever say Lithuanians made great beer?

Not that Scribe recalls.

Santa, PLEASE. Don’t bother looking for your lost Elf. If you’re lucky he was found by the guys at the pound. And this New Years, Scribe’s resolution is that this Elf’s end be quick and swift, cause Scribe will be miffed if he’s found, then hangs around, for Christmas, 2010.

By Professor Good Ales

Mythical poster at The LTS Good for What Ales You Beer Journal. Loves good beer. Hates same old, same old. Muses that Bud and Miller might as well be brewed in urinals. Drinks lagers too, if they are complex and interesting.

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