Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

Written by Alan Wechsler for Adirondack Explorer

I thought this would be a nice addition to my last edition of Inspection. Bear in mind it’s not quite accurate: especially when it comes to comments state officials have made. They have made remarks to us that are more foreboding than this, but I’m sure they want to put a “nice” face on for the public. Plus all their comments about how surprised they are? Horse hockey. They could have, and I’ll bet they did, see this increased usage. It’s been happening for years. A combination of a new Ranger, our own arguments in BRS (Calling in the Ranger or DEC because you’re pissed at someone else might just mean they’ll clamp down on whatever you’re doing too, right?) …and the State wanting more control overall. I think they simply see a convenient way to kill a town they think is inconvenient, that they themselves have referred to as, “Dodge City” because they have to go way out of their way to check on us.

If youre looking for the most isolated community in New York State, you might find it in Beaver River. The itsy-bitsy hamlet lies deep in the woods in the western Adirondacks, about twenty miles from the nearest community of any size. To get there, you drive up a dirt road until it ends at the western edge of Stillwater Reservoir and then take a boat or barge across open water.

“For generations, this has been the way most visitors and owners of 120 camps reached the community (in winter, it can be reached by snowmobile). But that access is threatened by a disagreement between the state and the Thompson family, which accounts for five of the nine year-round residents of Beaver River.”


By Ken Carman

Retired entertainer, provider of educational services, columnist, homebrewer, collie lover, writer of songs, poetry and prose... humorist, mediocre motorcyclist, very bad carpenter, horrid handyman and quirky eccentric deluxe.

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Ana Grarian
15 years ago

“Dodge City because they have to go out of their way to check on us” Excuse me? Isn’t it the rangers job to check on people all over the lake? You’d think they’d like finding a place about halfway where they could enjoy a good meal in a little town. I smell money somewhere in this scenario….Albany or private investor….? I’m not sure.
You’re sure no one has discovered natural gas in them there hills?

Ana Grarian
15 years ago

In light of the National Grid project going through the ADK, and Black River hydroelectric generation,is it possible that NYS is looking to raise the levels of the lake significantly and thus would like the land to be worth less, when it takes it over by eminent domain?

Ana Grarian
15 years ago

I do realize that the Marcellus Shale does not extend into the ADK’s. However there is gas in other shale formations. For instance the lease on our land was said to be for the Trenton-Black River formation.
I do realize that raising the level of the reservoir would require a new dam and would impact the ecology, camps and towns, but it has been done before. It was done to create Stillwater and you are familiar with Hinkley.
I believe these electric power projects are private companies. If a company saw enough profit in being able to hook up to the National Grid, it would be willing to push to do it.
These are all just ideas I am throwing out there. I suppose it would be just as likely that some private investor wants to come in buy the place up and keep it to himself.

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