Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

by Ana Grarian

It snowed last night. About six inches down here in the valley, probably considerably more up on the hill, and out in farm country, who knows. Out there it was often hard to tell just how much snow we had because the wind blew it around so much. Our front lawn would be blown bare and then there would be a waist deep drift between the house and the barn.

I slept well this morning. Usually the sound of traffic wakes me up, but when school is closed the streets are crazy quiet. Who are all these people who can stay home when the kids have a snow day? My husband and I never had that job. Truck drivers are expected to keep going until the State Troopers shut the highways down.

Of course this is not actually new to us. When you own livestock, chores don’t end because of snow. Cows still need to be milked and fed. Calves need to be cared for. The driveway needs plowing so the milk truck can get in.

Sometimes it’s a little easier. Chores are limited to the necessities. Sometimes it’s harder. Water pipes don’t usually freeze in a big snowstorm here because, it’s actually somewhat warmer, but we did have to shovel the snow away from the barn doors to get in and out. Getting manure out of the barn can be difficult. Sometimes the runs to the calf hutches need to be cleared out. Fields of grazing animals such as beef need feed delivered to them and the water tanks/holes need to be cleared of ice. When I had sows to take care of they would often have their litters on stormy nights. I think many family doctors have commented on the same phenomena.

Life on the farm, like life in a family goes on. Call me crazy, but I miss it.

By AFarmer

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