Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

With goofball opinions like these, Pat would give John Oliver and Jason Jones a run for their money.

“If Kagan is confirmed, Jews, who represent less than 2 percent of the U.S. population, will have 33 percent of the Supreme Court seats.
“Is this the Democrats’ idea of diversity?” []
“If Kagan is confirmed, the Court will consist of three Jews and six Catholics (who represent not quite a fourth of the country), but not a single Protestant, though Protestants remain half the nation and our founding faith.”
— Pat Buchanan, from his column of May 14, 2010, as quoted by Media Matters.

As usual, the decrepit former Nixon aide and originator of Tricky Dick’s racist ‘Southern Strategy’ has it wrong our country’s ‘founding faith’ was neither Protestant, nor Christian, nor any religion, since we were established as a secular government it’s in the Constitution, should Pat ever take time from defending Hitler’s Germany prior to World War II to notice. That aside, Pat’s singing a different melody than the one he crooned off-key during Hispanic ‘Quota Queen’ Sonia Sotomayor’s confirmation last summer:

“Like Lani Guinier, the Clinton appointee rejected for reverse racism, Sonia Sotomayor is a quota queen. She believes in, preaches and practices race-based justice.” []
“A vote for Sonia Sotomayor is a vote to affirm that race-based justice deserves its own seat on the U.S. Supreme Court.
“But if that happens, it will not only be the race consciousness of Hispanics that will be on the rise in the good old U.S.A.”
— Pat Buchanan, from his column on June 2, 2009, as quoted by Media Matters.

So, just to be clear: In Pat’s befuddled universe, quotas based on religion are apparently fine and diversity should prevail; quotas based on race, however, are bad for the nation and will lead to ruin. This confused soft-shoe racist still has a job on MSNBC?


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