Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

Regardless of her silly slamming of masturbation as ‘adultery’ (read the definition of adultery, Christine), or her lurid tales of teenage midnight picnics on a satanic altar, Christine O’Donnell has a serious credibility problem; for a woman who says she wouldn’t lie to the Nazis to save Jews from the camps, she has proven she’ll quickly lie to save her political future. Now her flagrant past misuse of campaign funds is about to put her, appropriately for a teabagger, in very hot water.

Here’s the press release from CREW on their call to investigate O’Donnell’s incredible criminal malfeasance.


20 Sept 2010 // Washington, D.C. -Today, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) filed complaints with the Delaware U.S. Attorney’s Office and the Federal Election Commission (FEC) against newly-minted Delaware senatorial candidate Christine O’Donnell (R) for using campaign funds for personal living expenses. By misusing campaign funds, Ms. O’Donnell committed the crime of conversion; by lying about her expenditures on forms she filed with the FEC, she committed false statements; and by failing to include the campaign funds she misappropriated as income, she committed tax evasion.

“Christine O’Donnell is clearly a criminal, and like any crook she should be prosecuted,” said Melanie Sloan, CREW Executive Director. “Ms. O’Donnell has spent years embezzling money from her campaign to cover her personal expenses. Republicans and Democrats don’t agree on much these days, but both sides should agree on one point: thieves belong in jail not the United States Senate.”

CREW’s complaint is based, in part, on the affidavit of former campaign aide David Keegan. Mr. Keegan explained that in 2009, when Ms. O’Donnell was out of money, she paid her landlord, Brent Vasher, two months rent out of her campaign funds. On FEC forms, Ms. O’Donnell called the expenditures “expense reimbursements.” Mr. Keegan also attested that Ms. O’Donnell routinely used campaign funds for meals and gas, and even a bowling outing. This is not surprising given that Ms. O’Donnell has not held a steady job or had a discernable source of income for many years.

“If you need money to pay the rent and eat, you get a job; you don’t start a Senate campaign so unsuspecting donors can support you,” said Sloan.

CREW has asked the Delaware U.S. Attorney’s Office to start an immediate criminal inquiry and has asked the FEC to conduct a full audit of all of Ms. O’Donnell’s campaign expenses to learn the full extent of Ms. O’Donnell’s thievery.

CLICK HERE [.pdf file] to read CREW’s letter to Delaware U.S. Attorney David C. Wiess, requesting an investigation.

CLICK HERE [.pdf file] to read CREW’s letter of complaint to the FEC regarding Christine O’Donnell.

CLICK HERE [.pdf file] to see CREW’s exhibits of evidence regarding Christine O’Donnell.

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) is a non-profit legal watchdog group dedicated to holding public officials accountable for their actions. For more information, please visit or contact Garrett Russo at 202.408.5565 or


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14 years ago

Hi RS:

Thanks as always, for keeping us abreast of all the right wing-nuttery; I ADORE the “hot water” comment.


You know who

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