Sun. Mar 9th, 2025

by Ana Grarian

Ana has been completely, immovably depressed for several weeks now. It seems like the whole world has lost their senses and continues in a downward spiral to the complete devastation of the land we live in. We’re crapping in our own sandbox and still continue to build monuments to industry. As the big players hog our toys and clean sand and we are pushed inexorably to the festering corners we refuse to pay attention to what our eyes and nose tell us and instead dream of our own castle to the sky.

How putrid do our lives have to get before we push back?
Are we so surrounded that we really believe there is nothing we can do?

Of course there are many people doing good work to wake us up and lead us in the right direction. Everyday folks are talking to the EPA and the DEC, begging for these regulatory agencies to protect us from industry. Smal town residents are gathering at town hall meetings to say

Yes we want jobs
Yes we want business
Yes we want to help feed people
NO NO NO not at the expense of fouling our land, air, water and community health!

Folks who know the value of rationally sized farms and industry to the life of their region.

But still the voice of industry beats the drum promising dollars, dollars, dollars, dollars, when the only green will go into the pocket of big business as swiftly and surely as the natural green browns out with excesses of manure, chemicals and depletion of water…

Wake up, wake up, WAKE UP!!!!

The glitter of the TV screen, the pretty displays in the stores, are pastiche manufactured through the death of men, women and children, not to mention wildlife, through poverty, pollution, disease.

Salmonella, e-coli, swine flu, BPA, smog.

Your breakfast burrito is killing you!

The power of industry grinds along as long as we pay to feed from its trough and expect it to stop.


By AFarmer

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RS Janes
14 years ago

Last night on Keith Olbermann he outlined how many of those ‘small businesses’ the GOP are so intent on protecting are actually big businesses incorporated as limited partnerships or other legal dodges to avoid higher taxes. (Read “Report: Big Business Turns Small For Tax Reasons“.)

One of these ‘small businesses’ was a dairy company which has a folksy name, but is really one of the largest dairy concerns in the nation — a billion-dollar business. I believe I read years ago they are also one of the biggest polluters of the environment in the Midwest. I want it to stop too.

I guess if we have a major economic collapse — which seems to be in the offing since neither party has the brains and/or guts to change the way business is done — that will bring down these polluters along with everything else.

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