Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

Courtesy and Judy Foster for the picture.

Fred Keller and Judy Foster’s “retirement” project, isn’t something you’d expect. The two built a car modeled after a Radio Flyer wagon, complete with handle and red buttons on the wheels. The car began as a 1976 Mazda Pickup truck, and the project began in the summer of 2009. They completed it in early August and have been turning heads everywhere they go.


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RS Janes
14 years ago

This couple lives in ‘Home of Palin’ Wasilla, Alaska. It’s usually cold and icy up there, and they apparently have no protection from the elements in their big red wagon. Sure, it’s a cute and clever car, but still the product of ‘Wasilla Hillbillies’ who typically aren’t good at planning for the future.

Ken Carman
14 years ago

So beware of any human-sized ice cubes sold out of Wasilla?

Ana Grarian
14 years ago

I’m sorry – I love this project! Sure it’s impractical. It would be impractical anywhere. It’s FUN!

Ken Carman
Reply to  Ana Grarian
14 years ago

I agree. For the brief time viable in Alaska I might do it myself, if I weren’t all thumbs when it comes to such things. But then I used to drive around with the VW Thing windshield down in November in the Adirondacks. Rag top folks can be a bit extreme.

RS Janes
14 years ago

I agree it’s fun but, unless you have the wherewithal to store this monster in a garage for most of the year, it’s also stupid. This is nothing against fun stuff — my friend has a motorcycle collection and he doesn’t dare drive some of his vintage bikes on the street — but if I were going to own something like that Radio Flyer car, I think I’d move to some state where the climate would be kinder to my expensive custom vehicle. I know one thing: I wouldn’t want to drive down the highway doing 45 in that wagon without a windshield — they have bugs, even in Alaska!

Ken Carman
14 years ago

Alaska brags about it’s bug population. I wonder if it’s as bad as the non-sprayed parts of the Dacks, like near Beaver River Station?

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