Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

Yeah, you read that right. I am about to argue that Republicans are pro-employment. Indeed one could argue they are pro-socialism. So take advantage of the Republican promo-employment plan. I promise you…

You will get a job.
You will get a place to live.
You will be fed.
You will get clothes.

Work it right and you might not even have to work… if you really are one of those lazy good for nothings they rant and rave about so often. Walk into your local liquor store and murder the cashier.  And do what you need to do to stay in solitary.

Jobs exported to China, India, employers treat everyone as disposal snot paper, so you work for the government instead? Screw you. The current plan offered by the up coming crackpot fringe is to fill those jobs with prisoners. So the next time you new a pothole filled, your new local rapist-public works guy can fill your wife’s holes too.

Ah, they even offer a job with fringe benefits!

Of course there’s always the private sector, you know the one exporting jobs to China, India and never, ever to be encouraged to keep them here unless they’re allowed to pay you damn near the same as prisoners, work you under any conditions they see fit… unless of course your five year old is willing to work even more hours and under worse condition,

You see all that prevents those kinds of abuses? Well, those kinds of regs are all intrusive, meddlesome government “in-ter-fear-ance.”

George W. Bush wasn’t kidding when he went to some of the most oppressive, poverty stricken, countries south of the border and declared he was envious. Of course, if you’re rich and powerful you live like Saddam did… or better.

Or you could join the military a kill legally, if they’ll let you. If you come up to snuff so you can legally “snuff.” But if not, remember…

Step 1: Make sure whomever you kill isn’t favored by the Right. That’s like asking for the needle.
Step 2: Murder them.

Follow this advice and…

You will get a job.
You will get a place to live.
You will be fed.
You will get clothes.

And, as a plus…
You may even find “true love”

It’s all legal, well except the murder part. I’m sure Glen Beck can find some way to “rationalize” that. Our forefathers wanted it this way. Don’t believe me? Don’t bother reading the Constitution. Ask the Supreme 5. Scalia, Thomas and Roberts alone will simply say, “Make it so.”


Inspection is a column that has been written by Ken Carman for over 30 years. Inspection is dedicated to looking at odd angles, under all the rocks and into the unseen cracks and crevasses that constitute the issues and philosophical constructs of our day: places few think, or even dare, to venture.

©Copyright 2011
Ken Carman and Cartenual Productions
All Rights Reserved

By Ken Carman

Retired entertainer, provider of educational services, columnist, homebrewer, collie lover, writer of songs, poetry and prose... humorist, mediocre motorcyclist, very bad carpenter, horrid handyman and quirky eccentric deluxe.

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Joyce Lovelace
Joyce Lovelace
14 years ago

In many ways I think a lot of the Tea Party crowd are angry over the same things we are. The problem is that Beck and his buddies are leading them off a cliff to the tune of the Koch Bros and others.
We’re all getting mad as hell – but are we just going to keep taking it?

Watching the events in the Middle East, I wonder what it would take to mobilize Americans like that?

RS Janes
14 years ago

Joyce, the Teabaggers I’ve talked to are angry about the same things we are, but they have three things blocking them from coming over to our side: One is the racism they deny; the second is involvement with religion sects that preach intolerance and hatred; and the third is that they are Authoritarian Followers and, as such, have been conservative Republicans for so long that they can’t change — the GOP is the ultimate ‘Big Daddy’ for them and they can’t rebel against their father figure.

Of course, there are a few Teabaggers who don’t embody these traits, but they’ve been sidelined or discouraged by the corporately-financed Tea Parties.

You wrote: “Watching the events in the Middle East, I wonder what it would take to mobilize Americans like that?”

It’s happening — not only in Wisconsin, but all over the Midwest. Unfortunately, the corporate Big Media aren’t covering the demonstrations in Ohio, Michigan and Indiana, and even New Jersey. Since this thing started making Republicans look bad, the coverage has dropped off considerably. They’d rather safely talk about Charlie Sheen.

Joyce Lovelace
Joyce Lovelace
14 years ago

I turned off my TV and radio years ago because I was tired of all the talk about celeb crotches and drunken rants. Thanks to the computer I can watch or listen to most programs I want Democracy Now, Rachel Maddow, Thom Hartmann. Now I can get AlJazeera in English. My daughter likes the BBC.
I saw a clip of Hillary saying many Americans now watch AlJazeera because it’s a REAL news station.
Rachel Maddow had some interesting information on bills in Michigan to enable real draconian measures (such as disincorporating a town/city) on the whim of the Governor.
Did I wake up in the Twilight Zone? This stuff sounds like the communism that the right has been ranting about, and now wants to embrace. (or maybe always did) Kind of a distracting “look over there!” while they do it over here.

RS Janes
14 years ago

I saw Rachel’s segment on Michigan and it is incredible — people who complain endlessly about ‘czars’ and don’t utter a peep when a GOP governor tries to set himself up as one? But this is the kind of blow-your-hair-back hypocrisy what’s killing the GOP and will lead to massive defeats in 2012, especially in the Midwest. Of course there has always been a strong streak of fascism in this post-Reagan neoconservative corporate-plutocrat GOP that hates the same people as Hitler, wants one-party rule, and uses the same techniques of ‘Big Lie’ propaganda as Goebbels. But the parallels don’t stop there: Der Fuhrer got rid of trade unions shortly after he consolidated his power, cracked down on what could be taught in schools, promised prosperity through austerity, made the wealthy wealthier while asking the citizenry to sacrifice, promoted crazy unscientific theories, demeaned democracy, abandoned the rule of law, and ran Germany as a nation in a state of desperate crisis that could only be cured by a strong leader. These are all the same things the GOP governors are trying to do and, I’m happy to say, they are losing. Seems most Americans aren’t quite ready to be the Fourth Reich just yet.

RS Janes
14 years ago

I can’t find the quote at the moment, but some American businessman opening factories in China recently praised the way the communist Chinese government handled ‘social disruptions.’ He said he didn’t think an Egypt or Tunisia pro-democracy revolution would happen in China because they ‘nip that sort of thing in the bud.’ He sounded like a character in The Godfather talking about how China ‘always makes money for her partners.’ Of course, China isn’t really communist — it’s a fascist dictatorship. Corporatists feel comfortable with them since they run their state just like a modern corporation — the wealthy ruthless minority at the top are lavishly rewarded and the majority under them are dirt poor and have no say in how business is conducted. Oh, and their are no unions or human rights to worry about, either. It’s a corporate crapitalist’s idea of nirvana.

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