Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

Ana Grarian wants to share this challenge from

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation with her LTS readers…..




Show the world that investing in small
farmers in the developing world is the
solution to reducing hunger and poverty.

Create a compelling message—using your design, film-making, or writing skills—that shows why investing in small farmers is good for the world.

The Problem
Three-quarters of the world’s poorest people get their food and income from farming small plots of land. But they often don’t have access to the resources and tools they need to be successful.

Reducing hunger and poverty begins with these small farmers in the developing world.

When small farmers can grow and sell more food, they can feed their families, send their kids to school, invest in their farms, and help improve their communities. Investing in these farmers also means they can become self-sufficient.

Your Challenge!
Show the world how small farmers are growing more, earning more, using better seeds, having success with livestock, and gaining access to new market opportunities. Show the challenges they overcome every day to provide for their families. And most importantly, show how supporting them makes their lives—and the world—better.

The Details
Get creative! Create a compelling message—using your design, filmmaking, or writing skills—that shows why investing in small farmers is good for the world. Here’s what we’re looking for:

Build a Game: Use an easy online tool like GameSalad, 001 Game Creator, or GameMaker to create a simple game that conveys the obstacles and successes of small farmers. You can also start from scratch by using your own amazing game-building skills.

Create an Infographic: Use some of our statistics, or find your own, to tell the story of small farmers in a powerfully visual way.

Design a Poster: Create an iconic image or poster that shows small farmers and their successes.

Make a Video: Produce a short live action or animated video that tells a gripping story.

Share Photos: Put together a photo essay of farmers in the developing world to tell a new, powerful story. You can use some of our photos if you’d like.

Write a Tweet: Craft a tweet so forceful and universal it will resonate around the world.

We’ll highlight our favorites on our website, show them off on our social media channels, and even include them in a blog post from Bill Gates!

Download the Small Farmers Are the Answer Challenge PDF packet.

Looking for some inspiration? Check out our Inspiration Zone for stats, pictures, stories, and examples.

Have a question for us? E-mail or ask us on Twitter or Facebook.

Challenge Guidelines and How To’s

The deadline for submissions is Tuesday, May 31, 11:59 p.m. PST.
One favorite from each content category will be highlighted on the foundation’s Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, YouTube, and blog channels, where appropriate, during the week of June 6.
All submissions must be your own original work and can’t contain copyrighted materials. The only exception is foundation-owned content made available specifically for this challenge.
By submitting an entry, you agree to the official challenge rules.

By AFarmer

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