Mon. Feb 24th, 2025


by Ana Grarian Aurelius NY, between State Rt 20 and Interstate 90, there is some beautiful farmland that now lays contaminated with over 3000 gallons of gasoline. A farmer digging a trench to install drainage pipe in the field struck and severed the gasoline line Tuesday morning. Having contacted the company (Buckeye Partners) to mark their pipeline, it seems the company made an oopsie which resulted in 70 households being evacuated. 
The ruptured pipeline leaked for almost an hour before being shutoff. Witnesses say that the fields were covered in football field sized pools of gas and water, which also entered a nearby stream. (Though the DEC says no “protected” waterways were impacted.) Approximately 1500 gallons were recovered. Recovery efforts continue which will include removing the contaminated top soil. Nearby wells are being tested for contamination.

What I’ve been trying to find out is:
Why is there a gasoline pipeline through there? It seems to come from Rochester though I can’t confirm that. Is it gasoline or another form of gas. The area has had natural gas wells for many decades. Where was the contaminated water taken to and how will it be remediated? Where will the contaminated soil be taken and how will that be handled? How many other pipelines do we have in our area, what do they carry and how old are they? What were the farmer’s losses in terms of crops?
This accident points to the perilous place we are all in because of our reliance on fossil fuels and hazardous chemicals. Rural areas are at a particular risk because pipelines are sent through rural areas because it’s cheaper, and when an accident occurs fewer people are affected.
There is an interesting site called the National Pipeline Mapping System. It is an interactive map that shows where pipelines are located. I’m still trying to learn to navigate it and I’ve already found some disturbing news about pipelines in CNY.

We’ve riddled the earth with holes and filled them with some pretty awful stuff.

other links to the story:

Gas Cleanup Continues. Post Standard

DEC investigates WSYR

Aurelius Evacuation Order Lifted. The Citizen

By AFarmer

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