Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

For the ‘Haves’ please share and say an extra prayer to God for the ‘Have Nots’ this Thanksgiving and try to keep in mind, that this time next year, we may all be making soup out of grass, over an open campfire. What we used to consider the norm, is becoming the exception when it comes to a warm house, food in the ‘fridge and a table to sit and eat at.
Thanks to the fact, that my wife has been a nurse for many years, we get by, but we also support my daughter, her boyfriend and 3 grandchildren. We’re approaching our 60’s and feeling it.
I guess we’ll be part of the euthanasia group in the new world orders health plan.
Eat, drink and be merry…….for now.


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Ken Carman
13 years ago

Hope ya’lls T-Give wasn’t too much of a turkey. For the wife and I it was turkey, beer,.the movie Super 8 and sleep. Not bad.

Ken Carman
13 years ago

Hope ya’lls T-Give wasn’t too much of a turkey. For the wife and I it was turkey, beer, .the movie Super 8 and sleep. Not bad.

13 years ago

OMG! That movie Super 8. Saw it in my friends basement on a big screen with Blue-Ray and THX sound system. The train wreak nearly blew my mind with the sound and visuals. Absolutely unbelievable!

Ken Carman
13 years ago

I tried to explain it to my wife. We saw it on our 48 inch at home, not hi def. I saw it first at the theater: I almost dodged the parts of the train as they flew. The 48: not nearly as good. I was also blown away by the young female lead. She comes off as a bit of a bitch at first, intentional, and awkward, obviously intentional, but when she read for the part I had to say, “Damn, if there’s not a future for her in pictures something’s even more wrong with industry than the obvious problems they have.” (Like doing Starship Troopers 3 instead of giving some new, innovative, script by a nobody a chance.)

Maybe she’s not related to anyone so she’ll go no where. What an injustice.

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