Mon. Feb 24th, 2025


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D.j. Allyn
13 years ago

Let's test the comments!

D.j. Allyn
Reply to  D.j. Allyn
13 years ago

It looks like it is working here…

Barney Loucks
Barney Loucks
13 years ago

I guess this'll be the end of Al Gore, too…

Ken Carman
13 years ago

Barney: not sure I'm reading your complete comment. We just switched how we do it here, so this is a test response as well as a response to you. I want to see how much of the comment actually shows up.

I suppose it depends upon what you actually think is in Al's head, which of course is the concept behind the toon. Of course Al's been marginalized to the point of, except his environmental work (and too, to a certain extent), me wondering, "Why does anyone bother to comment on him anymore?" The difference being these guys are currently running and high profile.

Essentially, right or wrong, Al was "ended" quite a while ago.

Ken Carman
13 years ago

Looks like the complete comment is being posted here, at least.

D.j. Allyn
Reply to  Barney Loucks
13 years ago

Al Gore?

D.j. Allyn
Reply to  Ken Carman
13 years ago

You can actually reply to the individual comment by clicking the "Reply" link. If you don't, Barney Loucks probably won't see it.

Each comment made by someone starts a separate thread of it on their Facebook page. ALL of the comments show up here, but only the thread that person started will show up on their Facebook page.

Barney Loucks
Barney Loucks
Reply to  Barney Loucks
13 years ago

D.j. Allyn he seems to think he "invented" the internet…

Barney Loucks
Barney Loucks
Reply to  Barney Loucks
13 years ago

D.j. Allyn he seems to think he "invented" the internet…

D.j. Allyn
Reply to  Barney Loucks
13 years ago

Barney Loucks That isn't what he said. But it is certainly the most taken-out-of-context statement in the past twenty years.

D.j. Allyn
Reply to  Ken Carman
13 years ago

Well, the entire thread of comments is being posted here.

Ken Carman
Reply to  Barney Loucks
13 years ago

D.j. Allyn And deliberately so. I have confronted many a Rightie about that and they simply smirk. In fact one said, "Oh, I know." So let's see: you lie about what someone says and when confronted you think the lie itself is so funny you'll keep it up. It always amazes me how so many on the Right these days lecture everyone else about ethics and morals, but don't think they have to have them themselves. A far cry from the Buckley days when I was involved in the movement. In fact I would say, ethically, they have turned into what they hated the most about the Left those days.

Ken Carman
Reply to  Barney Loucks
13 years ago

Barney Loucks If you're missing the rest of the comments, try here…

Of course he never said that. I'm live in Tennessee, and have since 78: back when most Dems felt Al was a DINO. (Like RINO only D.) Al did work on the legislation that helped to create the internet: essentially pay for the original servers, if I'm using the proper term. He receieved a lot of mocking back then too. Of course, in part: thanks to Al, you're able to pass on the tired old supposed "joke." A "joke" that says more about the ignorance, or the intentional fabrications, of those who use it than Al Gore. Simply put, when you make that claim you are either ignorant, or lying. The "I'm just joking" excuse doesn't pass muster, unless of course you're doing the old "never mind" act from 60s, where the actor comes out and continues to rant about something she/he doesn't understand. When discovered the actor says "never mind." In that sense, the joke works, except the joke is on the ranter/"jokester."

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