All emotionally damaged Vietnam veteran Reggie Libby wanted was normal. Normal wife, normal family, normal job. What he got was a life on the streets of Portland, Maine. Pushing a shopping cart, collecting bottles for redemption. Trying to get right, losing his grip, and trying again. Now Reggie is dead, his body pulled frtom Portland harbor, and his buddy, homicide detective Joe Burgess, is grieving.
I want to order this. I am curious how she handles living on the street in as cold a place as Portland, Maine. Even during the height of the visible homeless problem the further north I went the less visible they were, for obvious reasons. “Less visible” is the obvious caveat.
Here in CNY we have a few homeless who do live outside in tents during the winter. A homeless man I knew fairly well would allow the Red Cross to find him shelter during the coldest months, or his sister might take him in. We have a Red Cross facility that is open during the day, and a Salvation Army facility, plus a community program that provides lunch. My friend was welcome at a local business and would often spend most of the day in their lounge area reading or sleeping.
I’m not sure where most of our wanderers go. Some find a friend to shack up with during the winter, and some head south.