Sieg Heil, Mayor Disgrace
"Mayor Michael Bloomberg is spending millions of dollars to win a third term, and he appears to believe that buys him the right to campaign without answering questions about it.…
The Tattlesnake On Celebrating Memorial Day in the Aftermath of Cheney’s New Rome Edition
My uncle was an Army Ranger during the Korean War who saw the results of 'enhanced interrogation techniques' performed by the North Koreans on American GIs. Although there were no…
Republicans Play Grown-Up?
"Republicans, Let's Play Grown-Up" Peggy Noonan, WSJ Online, May 30, 2009. "Mancow's 'Waterboarding' Was Completely Fake" John Cook, Gawker, May 29, 2009. "Olbermann and Mancow Knock Down Waterboarding Hoax Allegation"…
The Tattlesnake Cheney the War Criminal Edition
Those who watched Dick Cheney's speech Thursday, May 21 had a glimpse of the 'real Cheney' stripped of his usual condescending corporate-CEO cold-bloodedness and country-club sham machismo -- for the…