Today’s Quotes: Fired to Support an Arrogant Pig
Rumor is a statistician is about to release an accurate report of Rush Limbaugh's national radio ratings over the past five years, compiled from the confirmable local ratings of stations…
Rumor is a statistician is about to release an accurate report of Rush Limbaugh's national radio ratings over the past five years, compiled from the confirmable local ratings of stations…
Written by Jenn Weinshenker Storms comin in from the west looks rough wed better put up those chairs in the shed. You think well have a tornado this time? Might,…
Where, Oh Where, Does The News Pauper Begin? By W.B. Dunne Unlike the bludgeoned public and the press that feeds them, Ill begin where we left off. After the swine…
The Burden By Jenn Weinshenker Storms comin in from the west looks rough wed better put up those chairs in the shed. You think well have a tornado this time?…