Pretty Little Housewife
Written by C. J. Fox "So... you don't love me?" I asked, calmly despite the loaded question. I leaned up against our blue Camry and folded two skinny, dingy arms…
Cocooned World
Written by Millie Jenny C. (Revised 9/27/04. For Ryan.) You stand alone In your own cocooned world Flashes of lightening skirting the edges Of your vision Sounds of the crowd…
Marquis de Life
Written by Ken Carman To revisit old wounds Like forgotten friends Lick once Then again Howl A silent howl At the moon Pain Pleasure in reverse Hear this driver curse…
Stupid Quote of the Week: Swine Phooey
What does this even mean? " has not reached the full potential of what could happen." -- Barbara Starr, CNN's Pentagon Correspondent, May 1, 2009. Or maybe it has: "The…