The Tattlesnake Short Cuts in New Ruts Edition
Double-Dipping Teabag Hag: The Ol' Tattler's failing peepers can't be sure, but I believe I saw the same woman who was sporting the insulting 'Kerry Band-Aid' at the GOP convention…
Today’s Quote: A Quiz!
"How can we account for our present situation unless we believe that men high in this government are concerting to deliver us to disaster? This must be the product of…
Evil Loose in the World
Written by R.S. Janes There's evil loose in the world Not the Biblical, Old Testament evil, Rubbing its hands together -- Satan need not be bothered. This is the work-a-day,…
The News Pauper: On Responding to Idiots
On Responding to Idiots By W.B. Dunne I love Barack Obama. If for nothing else, then for the wonderful range of complete wingnuttery that his rise to glory has unleashed.…