YOS Presents…
Stephanie Miller commenting on Sarah Palin's voice... "It's like a band saw going through a bike frame."
Stephanie Miller commenting on Sarah Palin's voice... "It's like a band saw going through a bike frame."
Washington, D.C., February 14th, 2012- Early this morning a White House intern claimed he heard John the big BOENER crying at the bottom of a tree, below the Tree House…
"Because sometimes it fun to attire punditry in satire." PITTSBURGH, PA- The newly formed Dead Baby Coalition has fired a shot across the bow of Ricky "Frothy" Santorum, candidate…
"Will the current Republican front runner's campaign prove to be just a hideously expensive reincarnation of the doomed Kerry campaign?" -A-Non-E-Moose
Political Brand Duct Tape Tired of all the gunk pouring out of candidates mouths? Like actual duct tape, political duct tape doesn't work on ducts... or actual ducks. (Feathers…