A Rather Spacey Story
Written by Ye Olde Scribe, who thought it would be fun to have this on the front page too. Bill and Hillary Clinton's good friend Kevin Spacey was getting old.…
Making Sure the Last Perv Priest to Leave the Room Turns Off the Lights
"'Jesus loved the little children.' But not THAT way." "The last man to the door is a rotten pope!"
Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam…
"Nothing is more enoyable, Sam I am, than a great order of green eggs and SPAM." Sent to Scribe's E-box by Mrs. Scribe... SAYING GOODBYE TO MOTHER... You don't have…
YOS Productions Present: Pop Quiz
If you flunk this one, go back to nursery school. -Pop Barack Obama is about to nominate a Supreme Court Justice. Extreme Right-tards, like Beckus Schmeckus, Handjob Hannity, the mentally…