Ye Olde Scribe Presents: Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam
"Thanks to Fubar for this edition." SCHIZOPHRENIA: Do you hear what I hear? MULTIPLE PERSONALITY DISORDER: We Three Kings Disoriented Are. DEMENTIA: I think I'll be Home for Christmas NARCISSISTIC:…
"Thanks to Fubar for this edition." SCHIZOPHRENIA: Do you hear what I hear? MULTIPLE PERSONALITY DISORDER: We Three Kings Disoriented Are. DEMENTIA: I think I'll be Home for Christmas NARCISSISTIC:…
"What 'news' media?" Anyone else notice that just as soon as it was mentioned that King Junior and Biggus Dickus let Binny Boy escape at Tora Bora that Tigerfest becomes…
"Where YOS boasts of sending him back into the Corn-field. Watch out Mommy! Sonny boy's crawlin back up the chute!" And in this corner... Ye Olde Scribe; elderly curmudgeon who…
"Just a little too %$#@! close to the truth to be funny, this time." (Quotes "somewhat" revised.) When humanity DIDN'T discover fire... The danger of Orck is compounded by his…
"Reporting bad beer and bad beer news so you can do better than drinking or thinking crap." Professor Good Ales says: pronounced like "'report' as in Stephen Colbert Report." Written…