Inspection- Of “Woke,” Anti-Woke and the Anti-Culture War
Anyone who has read Inspection for a while knows I am not fan of the term "woke." Often used as a grammatical abomination, as in "Get woke," I find…
Anyone who has read Inspection for a while knows I am not fan of the term "woke." Often used as a grammatical abomination, as in "Get woke," I find…
There's an old TV show that has been revived with new actors, and now carries on the story of the original, called Quantum Leap. Our hero time travels to…
They come out when the weather is cold, but less so when too cold. Summers, falls, springs they quietly hide near people’s houses: their garages, sheds, under covers, under…
In the final analysis both are a matter of rule of law, and who is letting law rule. Even if reluctantly. What happened with all these documents needs…
I think we have had enough experience driving over the bridge that connects Covington, Kentucky and Cincinatti, Ohio, to relate just how bad it is. Hell, I have a…