Inspection- The Choice
Courtesy I-Scoop Another in my series of fictional approaches to current issues, They pose intellectual, or theological, or partisan-based questions. Sometimes all three. Everyone here mentioned is white. I wrote it…
Courtesy I-Scoop Another in my series of fictional approaches to current issues, They pose intellectual, or theological, or partisan-based questions. Sometimes all three. Everyone here mentioned is white. I wrote it…
Courtesy BBC By Ken Carman Re: the case of Kimberly Ann Potter. Why is it we refuse to do nuance? Why must we always bring it down to one person is…
Courtesy Nashville Scene Every once in a while I use one of my many adventures into fiction as a column. This topic is quite current. Tennessee is passing a law…
By Ken Carman They truly must miss their daily diet of hate tweets. So the bullies have to find SOMETHING to entertain their 12-year-old beat up the kid on the bike…
By Ken Carman Politicians, pundits and sharks have at least one thing in common. They sense blood in the water. And, once again, they are circling. I have no love for…