Inspection- Where to Next?
Courtesy By Ken Carman When I write my columns sometimes I write out of passion, sometimes logic, and sometimes I have written several potential columns but I keep thinking, "I…
Courtesy By Ken Carman When I write my columns sometimes I write out of passion, sometimes logic, and sometimes I have written several potential columns but I keep thinking, "I…
As a gun owner I write to chide some gun owners, some who claim to be defending gun owner's rights. Not because I want more gun regulations. Not because I…
Courtesy By Ken Carman Oh, blessed be the silence! The daily 12 year old bully taunt driven drivel has dried up on the social network that could be accurately named…
By Ken Carman The past 4 plus years remind me of an episode of classic Trek called Dagger of the Mind. America has been locked in a room where the nation…
By Ken Carman Happens too often. I carefully edit several possible new editions of Inspection and events demand I write something else. I have an idea for the people laughingly called…