Inspection- Captain Kirk and Direct TV’s Mind Sucking Machine
By Ken Carman The past 4 plus years remind me of an episode of classic Trek called Dagger of the Mind. America has been locked in a room where the nation…
By Ken Carman The past 4 plus years remind me of an episode of classic Trek called Dagger of the Mind. America has been locked in a room where the nation…
By Ken Carman Happens too often. I carefully edit several possible new editions of Inspection and events demand I write something else. I have an idea for the people laughingly called…
Second Avenue Nashville: before. Second Avenue Nashville: after. By Ken Carman We have 3 homes: one in Nashville, and the other two are in the Adirondacks where my family hails from since…
By Ken Carman My 2020 seasonal gift to you, Dear Reader.. Little person Rex climbed over the side of the sleigh to make sure the sleigh's Bombay doors were secure, then…
By Ken Carman My, my, my, how "violent the radical left is!!!" HA! Former peaceful protests turned violent by infiltration? OK, let's be fair and credit where credit is due: Boogaloo,…