Inspection- A Horse Heading South of Sanity
by Ken Carman Why do I get the feeling the actors are different, but America is still going to wind up sweeping up like before, like that little guy at…
Inspection- STOP Helping Them
Courtesy by Ken Carman So it's post election, November 2020. Trump has been reelected, despite not just 3 million more votes: despite 5 million more votes. (Pick another amount if…
Inspection-And Then We Have Trumpy Bear
by Ken Carman There's a lot of things I do get. I "get" that some company every presidential election year makes money off of stupid stuff that actually doesn't represent…
Inspection- How Bernie and Democrats Lose
by Ken Carman Sometimes it amazes me how shortsighted and, perhaps, intentionally clueless Democrats and the left can be. Re: Biden. The more I listen and watch the more convinced I…