Inspection- Deep into The Dark, Dank, Horribly Haunted Forest
In The Wizard of Oz Dorothy and her companions walk through the Haunted Forest. Today our forest is haunted by the worst despots in human history. The road is more…
In The Wizard of Oz Dorothy and her companions walk through the Haunted Forest. Today our forest is haunted by the worst despots in human history. The road is more…
Has the way we increasingly "debate" politics brought the ship of state our forefathers brought us to this Titanic moment in time? "Horseface?" REALLY? We might as well burn every…
This concept could work with almost any issue. It even could be widened to, "Do you really want to provide NO check for THIS president? VOTE Democratic!" How about a…
Mostly this edition is a break from the ever intense Something Wicked This Way Comes daily political circus. Enjoy! I recently reconnected with one of my best friends from the…
Even if I had had an ounce of sympathy for Kavanaugh his Clarence Thomas-like angry white guy routine would have dead ended that. When are Republicans going to get it…