Inspection- Does TV Suck… or What?
"Does TV Suck... Or What?" Looks like a flippant; easy to answer, question. But... it's not. I was in Ohio when I wrote this and, while tearing down another show,…
"Does TV Suck... Or What?" Looks like a flippant; easy to answer, question. But... it's not. I was in Ohio when I wrote this and, while tearing down another show,…
Ye Olde Scribe's Incredible, Inedible Quote Machine "Christine? How can someone suck so much who obviously doesn't?" -Scribe "Christine O'Donnell gives new meaning to the phrase, 'Whack job." -Caller to…
HERD ABOUT IT? by Ana Grarian Ana attended the first set of Public Hearings set by the EPA on September 13, 20010 in Binghamton NY. Previously scheduled hearings for Binghamton…
One of the overused; much abused and downright wrong, uses of Occam's Razor is the commonly held misconception that Razor can be simplified into "the simplest answer must be the…
"Scribe: presenting the Monty Hall side to Monty Python. Now BEHIND door #1 marked 'spam about sex...'"