Haliburden – a completely true parody
If Haliburton ads were honest. Click the link to listen -------> Haliburden
If Haliburton ads were honest. Click the link to listen -------> Haliburden
HERD ABOUT IT? by Ana Grarian You may have heard about the fight FedEx is picking over UPS' fight to have the two parcel delivery companies regulated by the same…
"Glen Beck lecturing me on the Bible, on Christianity? Glen Beck a... Mormon???" -Bill Press I'm almost ready. Tux tucked in. Check. Shoes all polished. Check. Pleasing, wise ass, smirk…
HERD ABOUT IT? by Ana Grarian The Cayuga County Legislature in CNY met on the last day of August to present a proposal for a new "Green Energy" initiative that…
Have you had trouble in social situations: family, so called "friends:" people being outright rude and nasty when it comes to differences we have? Well, this week's Inspection may be…