The Supremes on Filming Abuse
HERD ABOUT IT? by Ana Grarian The Supreme Court of the United States this week, struck down a law banning videos that depict intentional animal cruelty. WTF? The court ruled…
HERD ABOUT IT? by Ana Grarian The Supreme Court of the United States this week, struck down a law banning videos that depict intentional animal cruelty. WTF? The court ruled…
HERD ABOUT IT? by Ana Grarian When I was a kid there were many jokes blaming the dog for not having your homework done. One of my favorites went like…
If you flunk this one, go back to nursery school. -Pop Barack Obama is about to nominate a Supreme Court Justice. Extreme Right-tards, like Beckus Schmeckus, Handjob Hannity, the mentally…
"Almost as powerful as the war machine. ALMOST." "Why is it the last words in a war movie are 'The End," but actual war it has to be to cries…
HERD ABOUT IT? by Ana Grarian Ana's readers have listened as Ana has described and complained about Industrial Livestock Operations and their inhumane treatment of livestock. That's LIVE stock. Living,…