Ye Olde Scribe Has Fun With Biblical Sayings
"WATT did ya say?" I have no fear for the Lord is my light and salvation. -Psalms Scribe responds... Then why do so many preachers act like dim bulbs?
"WATT did ya say?" I have no fear for the Lord is my light and salvation. -Psalms Scribe responds... Then why do so many preachers act like dim bulbs?
"Fermenting trouble across the 'internets.'" Women having their breasts filled with silicon... Want to attract men? Fill them with Guinness. -Harlan Williams, comedian
Arguing over at Smirking Chimp I discovered a link that supports my thesis that GM might as well be sold off before it does go belly up dumping every penny…
"Kinda chokes ya up." I am the vine, you are the branches. -John Scribe asks... Kudzu?
Next week's Inspection was rushed out because I heard GM is asking for more money and they apparently need it real soon. Here's some advice, "Say, 'Hell, no,' and hand…