Ye Olde Scribe’s Post Election Party! Party! Party!
Pass out da drinks, de big cigars, the Sushi, bob for apples and play pin the crime on Junior and his not so merry band of Juniorettes. Here are a…
Pass out da drinks, de big cigars, the Sushi, bob for apples and play pin the crime on Junior and his not so merry band of Juniorettes. Here are a…
This week... so much to comment on! Everything is so political. I even had a column ready discussing if gas prices are being fixed for political reasons. Maybe I'll publish…
You've been good boys, girls and world conquering gerbils this week, so spankings will cease. For now. YOS has decided to ghost where he has never ghost before... adding a…
"Now, no honest person can actually suggest that Obama's association with Ayers, dating from 1995 when Ayers hosted a fund-raising event for Obama in his living room and including service…
Barack supporters have a lot to be thankful for. Do they realize that? These are special times: being in the presence of an inspiring leader so close to plucking the…