Inspection- How Taylor Swift Exposed Changes on the Right
Let's start by admitting I too am not a Taylor Swift fan. Even the one song I like I like done by others. BTW, most of the time I…
Let's start by admitting I too am not a Taylor Swift fan. Even the one song I like I like done by others. BTW, most of the time I…
One this, the anniversary of 9/11, it should be typed this type of rhetoric can propel planes into buildings -KWC Apologies, but I mostly avoid pointing fingers during…
If you support what the waitress was wearing, as an employer, would the above shirt also be acceptable? Waiting for a tire repair on our car we decided…
There is a psychological phrase which describes what we are witnessing in the deteriorating behavior of Donald Trump – narcissistic collapse. As the name implies, this is what happens when…
Maybe not without thousands of lawyers fighting THEIR cheating, more than a "little bit of luck" getting non-Cannon lawyers, and maybe some strong backup from police, maybe even the…