The Tattlesnake Obama’s Not Black Anymore Edition
In my informal surveys of John and Jane Q. Public-Sixpack over the years (and usually conducted near a six-pack), I've noticed an interesting phenomenon the more well-known and admired a…
In my informal surveys of John and Jane Q. Public-Sixpack over the years (and usually conducted near a six-pack), I've noticed an interesting phenomenon the more well-known and admired a…
Laugh-a-bull: McCain's top pollster Bill McInturff appeared on MSNBC with Chuck "Not Related to Crazy Ashley" Todd on Halloween. To put it politely, McInturff was pissing up a rope trying…
Ye Olde Scribe's Incredible, Inedible Quote Machine "Don't eat it. Read it. Cause ya can't be too chew... see." For example, in a Weekly Standard column titled "McCain versus the…
While the Tattler doesn't usually like the kind of wan-music-in-the-background soft emotional porn of the 'Oprah-ized' infomercial, Obama's half-hour spot Wednesday night avoided most of the worst aggravations of this…