The Tattlesnake – The Reverse Bradley Effect Edition
You remember the so-called Bradley Effect? That was named after former Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley when he ran for Governor of California in 1982. Although ahead in late polling,…
You remember the so-called Bradley Effect? That was named after former Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley when he ran for Governor of California in 1982. Although ahead in late polling,…
When I first heard Sarah Palin make the claim that she could "see Russia from her house" it sounded weird and, checking a map, seemed preposterous. Now, thanks to CNN,…
Ho-Hum Debate: The much-ballyhooed Biden-Palin exchange of stump speeches disguised as a debate came off as a fairly bland affair. No big gaffes, no sizzling language, nothing but the same-old…
-- Or, At Least, Someone Like Her Centuries ago, before personal computers, Blackberries, cell phones and The Google, Your Decrepit Tattler worked for a company that published a glossy magazine…
The latest overwrought BM (Big Media) guilt-by-association crapola has to do with Father Michael Pfleger making fun of Hillary as a guest speaker at Obama's Trinity United Church of Christ…