The Tattlesnake Charles Foster McCain Edition
The Cynicism and Contempt of John McCain Or, Get Your Hot-Buttered Popcorn It's Film References Time! "It is dangerous for a democracy when a presidential candidate can lie with impunity,…
The Cynicism and Contempt of John McCain Or, Get Your Hot-Buttered Popcorn It's Film References Time! "It is dangerous for a democracy when a presidential candidate can lie with impunity,…
Bob Barr has accepted the nomination for the Libertarian party. I'm pretty sure he represents the saner wing of the party, the one that defends individual liberty and the free…
This Week in Rovian Rubbish, Especially on the Don Siegelman Case "According to the most recent surveys, President Bush's current second-term debacle exceeds any other White House calamity in modern…
Anyone who dreams of Hillary Clinton as president is an idiot.Anyone who dreams of a unity ticket is on the pipe. So, where does Hillary Clinton belong?I have two guesses.…
I read BartCop everyday. I don't link him, though. Why? Because he is an Obama smearer. But, something noteworthy happened today.Bart actually published an entire edition today without smearing Barack…