The Tattlesnake — Political Junkies Quiz Edition
Who Said the Following? Get out a pencil and paper and take the quiz. And no cheating with 'the Google.' 1. "The most important distinction in this campaign is that…
Who Said the Following? Get out a pencil and paper and take the quiz. And no cheating with 'the Google.' 1. "The most important distinction in this campaign is that…
Damspot has been having severe health issues, but has become intrigued with the letters R & N. What these 2 letters represent is Religion. Has Damspot gone on one of…
Jesus Dave. Im sorry about your house and everything else thats happening to you and Arron. I have been diagnosed with a form of MS, and am becoming a human…
Part my my early youth was misspent close to New York City. My family, from the Adirondacks, was there because my father was offered a job on Park Avenue during…
Glenn Beck: "Hand, you are my only friend, the only one who always agrees with me and loves me without question. Hand, I will always stick with, and to, you…