Ye Olde Scribe Presents: Which Pill Should YOU Take?
It's night: December 21st 2012 and one more end of the world prophecy gets tossed into the dumpster... Isn't it time you... STOP ...taking the blue pill and take the…
SD Teen Dies in Shooting After Paintball Argument
6-year-old Braiden McCahren is charged with first-degree murder for allegedly shooting Dalton Williams (seen here) after fighting over a past paintball incident, South Dakota police said. Written by Dirk Lammers…
The Second Amendment Trump Card
Written by Stephen Pizzo for Nothing happens in politics unless one side holds a trump card and can force the other side to compromise. In this gun debate, President…
Right-Wing Author: Jon Stewart Part of the Culture that led to shootings
Written by Jillian Rayfield for New York Times bestselling author Joel Rosenberg tied Jon Stewart to the shootings in Newtown, Conn., because Stewart is part of "the cultural war…